For those of you who still follow the grand ideas of Soul, I wanted to let you know that I've reworked my website: and after a hiatus of several months have just republished it. The Institute of Metaphysical Science, formerly the Margaret Laird Foundation, in La Jolla, Ca, for whom I have written many articles over several years, has invited me to give a teleconference in April, May and June on Dr. Dorsey. As you may know, they also asked me to draft a biography of Margaret Laird for publication in Wikipedia. After 3 attempts to have it published, and 3 rejections because Mrs. Laird didn't meet their "notability" standards for biographies, I gave up and published it on my website.
In a recent article (which you can find on my website soon) I told my readers that cartoon characters are "notable" by Wikipedia standards, but not someone who attains to a fuller conscious identity as Mind (God). This would be no surprise to Mrs. Laird. Indeed, I could hear her roaring with laughter, reminding me that in the appearance, Reality is the appearance. Let it go.
So, dear followers, borrowing an old statement from my childhood days, "We'll see you in the funny papers."