Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Inscribed on The Believing Mind."

"The Perfect Way knows no difficulties
Except that It refuses all preference.

If you would see the Perfect Way manifest
Take no thought either for or against It.
To oppose what you like and what you dislike,
That is the malady of the mind.

Do not try to find the truth,
Merely cease to cherish opinions,
Tarry not in dualism.

As soon as you have good and evil
Confusion follows and the mind is lost.

When the unique mind is undisturbed
The ten thousand things cannot offend it.

When no discrimination is made between this and that
How can a biased and prejudiced vision arise?

Let go, leave things as they may be.

If you wish to follow the path of the One Vehicle
Have no prejudiced against the six senses.

Whereas in the Dharma itself there is no individuation
The ignorant attach themselves to particular objects.

The enlightened have no likes and dislikes.

Gain and loss, right and wrong,
Away with them once and for all!

Everything is void, lucid, and self-illuminating
There is no strain, no effort, no wastage of energy.
To this region thought never attains.

In not being two all is the same.
All that exists is comprehended therein.

It matters not how thing are conditioned,
Whether by 'being' or by 'not being.'

That which is is the same as that which is not.
That which is not is the same as that which is.

If only this is realized,
You need not worry about not being perfect.

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