My father died two years ago. It has been fascinating, when my psychic anchor gave way with his passing, to watch all that started coming up for re-processing. It has been a challenging two years. My father is no longer a frequent personal appearance in my consciousness, and yet all of the joys and pains I associated to him still live, and breathe and have their being in me. Of course, "they" are me. The horizontal, temporal experience of myself and my other named my Dad stopped, but the vertical still exists in me as me. It's like a psychic elevator which goes up and down depending on my faithfulness to my living self-consciously.
The word 'veridical' is interesting. It means coinciding with reality. In my science of self-living consciously, my scientific metaphysics or spiritual rational/transactional analysis, which I have been growing for myself deliberately for 38 years, this coinciding with reality is a synonymous phrase for "the human and divine coincidence" my Margaret Laird taught. Her synonymous phrases for this event in and as individual conscious being one Mind unfolding infinite Good was "conscious identity, the infinite divine reflection, and one reciprocal being.
A quote in my dictionary elucidating 'veridical' is "Perceptual error...has a surprising resemblance to veridical perception- F.A.Olafson" (1924-2012) professor of philosophy, UC, San Diego. I agree. Doesn't it? Haven't you found this observation to be fascinating? That the perception of reality and the perception of unreality have a surprising resemblance.
I see my business as thinking. I see my thinking as one Infinite Mind/Being itself. Mind in order to be, at all, must DO something. A mind that didn't do anything would be a non-entity. Such a do nothing mind, my Mrs. Eddy called "mortal" and my Margaret Laird called "conditioned thinking." Conditioned thinking is not-thinking pretending to be thinking. This is the root of all the trouble we see, within ourselves subjectively, outside ourselves objectively, since when I am my perceptual error, when I am not busy Minding my business of being the thinking that is out from Mind, I am busy growing my "reptiles of the mind." (William Blake - Marriage of Heaven and Hell).
Now the experience of "delusional thinking" is one of the oldest recorded experiences of mankind, being on record in the Vedanta texts and familiar to those who study consciousness with me under various metaphors like "the ghost and the post." The oldest "theory of perceptual error" comes from Vedanta, but it found its way into all the world's religious literature in a variety of forms which means that as my human being, I excel in the ways I deceive myself.
My mystic Joel Goldsmith, in a pamphlet entitled, "Call No Man on Earth your Father" - quoting the Jesus texts, was not my first experience of this idea that the father within me, or my subjective father-stuff must be kept clearly distinguished from my personification of it and projection onto my personal fathers- dad, boss, doctor, professor, etc. My Jung studies came before that, teaching me to look at my father-complex and teach myself to live it consciously, so that the father archetype does not hide my access to the Self - the Archetype of archetypes - the God behind the gods - the Mind that is the "source and condition of all existence." (Eddy) If I fall into an identification of a lesser archetype (god) - woe unto me, until I discover what I've done.
All of this is to say, dear reader, that in the last 6 months, having come through yet another cycle of re-working my father-stuff, I have put my website on hold having a growing dissatisfaction with my work there. I have transferred my energy to this blog, which I've just renamed: and if you are interested, you will find me processing my stuff there.
Love just sent you an email re "Call no man your Father".